Friday, June 4, 2021

The Refugee: Valiant


I was provided a print copy of  The Refugee: Valiant for review.

Regular kid Valiant is struck by lightening and transported to another world where he turns out to be someone very special.

He finds himself hunted by the authorities who want him for nothing he will like. On the run he is aided by an eclectic group of people sworn to help his kind.

This is the first book in a series and not much is resolved at this point. A lot of "Oh look what I can do" moments. Some of his helpers are less than enthusiastic participants in the adventure. Lots of great action, no romance even between teenagers. Intrigue, deception and hot pursuit are the fare of the day.

I did overall enjoy the story, but had a bit of trouble with the rancor demonstrated by those we assume are allies. This, for me, is what held back the fifth star.

Still a very good read worthy of your time. I am interested to read how the story plays out in future volumes. Enjoy!


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