Friday, August 16, 2024


There baack!

Happy day! I was finally able to find the remaining books to complete my collection of Deathlands books. Aren't you happy for me? There are 125 books in the series and I was able to find the last 18 titles I needed. Deathlands books are my guilty pleasure. They are not politically correct. They are over-the-top graphically violent, less over-the-top, but at times still graphically sexual, actually quite diverse, more as a survival activity than any social identity. Fortunately, the books do not require being read in order. With one or two exceptions they are completely stand alone. They are set in an America some 200 years after the "Nukecaust" of September 1, 2001.

Homeward Bound is in fact, the fifth book in the series. It focuses on one of the main characters (Ryan Cawdor) return to his childhood home. Needless to say his childhood was less than idyllic. His older brother who now rules the old homestead and is crazy as an outhouse rat, tried to kill him as a child (he thought he was successful). Surprise! It is no spoiler to share that Ryan and his cohorts successfully resolve the old enmity in their own inimitable fashion. Since Ryan and his crew appear in 120 more installments in the series, fans know they are going to win, it's what inventive techniques are they going to employ to achieve their desired ends.

As I said before, Deathlands books are not for the squeamish. They are ultra-violent, ultra-graphic, at times overtly sexual, sometime violent sometimes romantic. Ryan and his crew have what can be called a moral compass,  it is more do unto others before they do unto you. If you don't mess with them you'll probably be okay, but if you openly antagonize them you are in for a most inventive and horrific end (Their term; chilling). The series does have it's own language that takes a while to get used to.

If you like the occasional non-politically correct, socially acceptable, escapist sex and violence adventure, pick up any Deathlands title. Homeward Bound is an excellent representation of the series. 

Enjoy! I do! No apologies.

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