I was provided a print copy of Children of Neptune by Makenne Snow.
When I took this book off my to read shelf I only looked at the title. I didn't really look that closely at the cover art. When I started reading, I thought "wait a minute, where's the spaceship?" Then I looked more closely at the cover; oops! Wrong Neptune, my bad.
So, what we have here is part coming of age for a teenage princess (not unexplored territory for sure), a society set up by a god (ditto), and a mystery to solve (do I need to say it?). But in Children of Neptune these familiar story lines are presented in fun and entertaining fashion (bet you thought I was going to bag on it).
This is a YA book to be sure, but I happen to enjoy well done YA. And yes, Children of Neptune is very well done. The authors (yes it's a team) do a good job of portraying teenage angst, insecurity and even budding romance. Perhaps a bit of an ecological/animal rights vibe, but not at all preachy.
As in all YA tales, our heroine and her friends are the only ones who can solve the mystery and save the day. But, what impressed me was that they did so without disrespecting their parents or other adults (except one who really deserved it). The adults did not condescend to the kids as well. It is not an adults versus kids kind of story. I like that.
There are enough twists and turns for mystery lovers, but there is also action and adventure. Children of Neptune by Makenna Snow was just an all around fun read. Enjoy!
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