I received an ecopy of Moral Panic by K.M.Ecke for review.
A futuristic techno thriller, Moral Panic explores the uses and abuses of internet and computer technology. Readers who have even the slightest antipathy for technology and its potential for abuse will find it difficult to identify a real hero in this story. The various factions represented each have the desire to be a force for good but each is also willing to embrace evil, or at least antisocial behavior to achieve their goals.
Operating under the name Social Justice we have outright evil perpetrated on both the innocent and guilty. We have corporate ideals perverted by corrupt politicians (are there any other kind?). Well written with mostly believable characters. The main bad guy may be a bit over the top.
A very scary tale because so much of the story is plausible. The readers reaction will no doubt depend on where they fall on the conspiracy theory continuum. The more they believe such activity possible, the more frightening the story will be.
As a person with a healthy skepticism about relying completely on the benevolence of technological advances, I'll admit Moral Panic by K.M. Ecke scared me pretty well. Enjoy!
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