Monday, January 28, 2019



I received a print copy of Caina from author Joe Albanese for review.

I enjoyed this book quite a lot. Although not a new premise; basically one twin taking the identity of the other, it is engaging and suspenseful. The moral could be; the grass is greener on the other side of the fence, but you don't see the weeds until you've climbed the fence.

Our main character Lee, finds this out when he assumes the identity of his more successful twin Grant. Lee is not a complete loser but he is pretty close. He learns all is not as he interpreted it. Good character development, a good mix of good, bad, and shades of gray in between. 

The plot is very complex, more than I expected anyway and it is unclear for most of the book who the good guys and who the bad guys actually are.

Good read for those who like action, suspense, and redemption. Enjoy!


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