Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Skeleton Coast

Skeleton Coast (The Oregon Files, #4)

I listened to an audio version of Skeleton Coast by Clive Cussler with Jack Du Brul while driving on my recent vacation.

A hunt for African diamonds in which The Oregon gets caught up. Along the way, bad guys who want to unleash weather caused devastation on the earth (holy global warming Batman). Actually, two main plot lines that intertwine and overlap.

Good action and suspense. The obligatory sexual attraction. Plenty of nautical technology and sea bound action. A really cool chase on the water.

A good story to listen to while driving. Easy to follow. This was an abridged version which may have helped in my instance.

Cussler sticks to his formula and gives an entertaining, if perhaps a bit predictable, adventure thriller. And why wouldn't he? It seems to be working.

If you like nautically based adventure thrillers Skeleton Coast entertains quite well. Enjoy!


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