I won a print copy of Hella by David Gerrold in a Goodreads Giveaway. I was given an uncorrected manuscript. It goes on sale officially 6/16/20, aka tomorrow. The only difficulty in reading for me was, no chapters. When I take a break from reading, I like to use chapter breaks as convenient stopping point. Didn't have that option here. Worth it to get to read this story prior to release.
I really enjoyed this book. Told from the point of view of a teenage (on Earth) boy who used to be a girl. Kyle appears to have a disorder of some sort, perhaps autism or Asperger's or the like. He has an implant which helps him function more "normally", but some people are put off by his lack of emotion.
Hella is an Earth colony on a planet that is larger than Earth, has a weaker gravitational pull and higher levels of oxygen in the atmosphere. Everything grows to incredible size; Hella-big.
We follow Kyle as he navigates life in the colony. Aside from the inevitable political conflicts and machinations which are well developed and interestingly voiced, the author paints a vivid picture of the flora and fauna of the Hellan landscape.
Because of the severe weather patterns of the planet, a major part of the story is the trek to Winterland, the site for colder weather living.
We wind up with an interesting take on the Scooby Gang taking on the bad guys.
Although many references to, shall we say alternative lifestyles and sexuality, there is no real sex.
Gigantic animals, humongous plants, young love, more mature love, wicked politicians and technology that is at times very useful and at times stifling to actual societal growth. All on a planet that can be openly hostile to human occupation.
Altogether a Hella-fun fantasy read. Enjoy!