Monday, June 15, 2020

Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ

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A friend loaned me a copy of Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ. The purpose was to expand my Biblical knowledge, not necessarily for a review, but I thought I would share my reactions anyway.

Dr. Michael S. Heiser has authors many books on Biblical topics. He delves deeply into Scripture helping illuminate the meaning to lay-people such as myself.

Reversing Hermon focuses on Genesis 6, 1-4; The "Sons of God" mating with the Daughters of Man". Though this reference is short (4 verses) the author goes into great detail (a whole book) about how this carries on through history and the problems it continues to cause. 

I don't consider myself Biblically illiterate, but I experienced so much more depth to my understanding. Heiser offers levels of understanding that are rarely examined in the usual Church sermon. and "The Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ" is something I had never been taught or considered.

The author provides an abundance of references to back his ideas. All of his claims are well defended and documented. 

Sharing even his main thoughts here would be a disservice to potential readers because you really need to follow the thread of his logic to fully understand what he's teaching here. So spoilers would be more detrimental than usual here.

Reversing Hermon is not designed to convert the non-believer, but to enhance the understanding of the Christian believer. As my friend told me before I read the book "You'll never look at your bible the same way again" She was right. Enjoy!


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