Thursday, August 29, 2024


Author John Heldt provided an e-copy of The Patriots for review. Mister Heldt is one of my very favorite authors. His books are tight, engaging and entertaining. The Patriots continues his tradition of providing characters to become attached to and a story the reader can lose themselves in (into which the reader can lose themselves). 

Set in the months leading up to the American Revolution, readers get a history lesson along with a wonderful story of family, romance, tragedy, adventure, terror and humor. A lot to pack into one read, but Heldt is a master of balance. 

As always, I was absorbed by the story within the first few pages, and completely enthralled by the first few chapters. By the way, Heldts' chapters are always very short, a double edged tactic in my mind. Short chapters lend the ability to find good stopping points but at the same time, encourage the reader to read "one more chapter", which in my case means I often find myself way past my bedtime, reading well into the night. 

Perhaps secondary to the setting, this story comes across as more serious than his usual work. Though more serious we do not lose Heldts' talent for well developed characters, tight plot lines, humor and sub-plots drawing the reader deeper and deeper into the story. The story paints such a vivid picture in the readers mind. It is easy to "see" the story. Historic figures are introduced much as one would imagine. The founding fathers are introduced as regular people much as I imagine they probably were prior to their role in America's history. Set in and around Philadelphia there is no slack in presenting detailed accounts of the local culture, landscape, business and people. The level of research and accuracy Heldt puts into his work is clearly evident and appreciated. 

Personal relationships are another of the authors trademarks on display here. Romance is juxta positioned with adult responsibility. It is truly a tale that kept my interest throughout. I guessed a couple of details but as usual I was completely caught off guard by others. 

Heldt stated that this is one of his longest, if not the longest book he has written thus far. It did not feel long to me, like always, I was not really ready to finish. But the end always has to come ready or not. Thankfully, Mr. Heldt does not need to employ the dreaded cliffhanger to whet the readers appetite for more. He just provides a natural ending point which encourages the reader to want more. The characters are so engaging that we just naturally want to see more of their lives. 

Have I gushed enough? Do you get that I really like this book? It's true! I always look forward to new work by Mr. Heldt and getting to follow a new family is great. What is not great is the wait for the next installment. But such is life.

The Patriots continues John A Heldts' tradition of good clean ethical entertainment. Repeat readers know this already, I encourage new readers to find out for yourselves. Enjoy!


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