Saturday, May 28, 2016

The Gathering: End's Beginning

First the disclaimer: I won a print copy of The Gathering: End's Beginning by Randy Lindsay in a Goodreads Giveaway.

I have more mixed reactions to this book than probably any book I've read in quite some time. The most important (at least for me) , the story is very good. The plot moved along at a pace that kept me reading. In fact I read it in one day. The story line is engaging and will hold the readers interest.

Now for my other reactions.

The Gathering: End's Beginning is a pre-apocalyptic novel. Preparing for the end days. Definitely a favorite genre of mine; pre, post, mid, if it has to do with the apocalypse, bring it on. This story is told from a Mormon, or LDS perspective. That is fine. I don't profess to know a lot about Mormon doctrine so obviously can't comment on such issues.

However, I would say that this book is written to Mormons rather than about Mormons, if that makes any sense. I didn't get the feeling that it was meant to convince anyone to become a member of the LDS Church, but to separate the church from the rest of society. Not a bad idea as most religious denominations suggest the very same thing.

What threw me was the "discussion questions" at the end of the book. They are directed at someone with a more than passing understanding of Mormon doctrine. My reaction was to feel like I had been "tricked, duped, horns-waggled (choose your own adjective)" into reading a "tract". It left me feeling a little uncomfortable. I hold no particular antipathy towards the Mormon faith, or any other faith for that matter. I have my own Christian beliefs and see no reason to start any argument here.

The other glaring problem for me was in the way characters were handled. Of course church members were portrayed very favorably (makes sense, not a problem). Various Church leaders were always presented by title, President, Bishop, Area President, etc. Fine so far. But then the political characters; President, Vice President, Secretary of State, were rarely identified as such. President of the United States Boggs was usually referred to as just "Boggs". It was a jarring counterpoint in the story for me.

The politicians behaved as badly as one would expect, caring more for their political position than for the people they were supposed to be serving.  No problem there, pretty much the view I have of politicians in general, but the blatant disrespect for their title was difficult for me when church titles were respected. A little propaganda-ish for me.

The story is ended in such a way as to prepare the way for more. "End's Beginning" does suggest more to come. Thanks to author Randy Lindsay for not succumbing to the dreaded "cliffhanger".

So, bottom line, a mixed bag. Good story, but in my opinion, directed at a specific audience. Enjoy!


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