Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Apostates

I was recently given an e-version of The Apostates by LarsTeeney in exchange for an honest review.

I have a lot to say about this book. So, most important; I liked it. It's a great story! It shows what can happen in a society that unquestioningly accepts what its political and religious leaders feed them. I was somewhat  worried when I started the book because the author warned that the reader may be offended by some of the content. Well, I am a Christian and (I believe) a Patriot and I wasn't at all offended, mainly because I don't consider myself to be a mindless recipient of religious or political information. But wait, I'm supposed to be reviewing a book here.

The Apostates is a well told story with compelling characters, it is dark and heavy reading, but considering the topic, I guess that is to be expected. It is a very long book. It took me considerably longer to read than usual. All I'm saying is: Don't pick The Apostates as a quick read that you can plow through quickly, be prepared to spend some time here. That is not a bad thing. The story is worth the time you will spend with it.

I received an early version of the book so I won't focus on editing problems as I expect those either have been, or are in the process of being, corrected. The Apostates is the debut offering by Lars Teeney and reflects some of the difficulties inherent in a new book, so I am willing to look past those errors and focus on the most important question. Is this book worth my precious reading time?

The answer is a resounding, Yes! Mr. Teeney is good at building tension, holding interest, and making the reader be interested in what happens to the characters. As regards the length of the book, I think that the story line relating to WWII could have been a novel in itself. There was enough detail and story there to stand as either a prequel to or companion of the main book. Although interesting and very well written, I don't feel it was essential to the over all flow of the story. I did enjoy this part and am glad I read it. I wouldn't want it to go away, but offered as another book in a series would be better for me.

One thing I forgot; a character in this book drives a 1968 Dodge Charger. Only the greatest car ever made! (Personal opinion, but it's my blog and I can say it if I want.)

Seriously though, The Apostates touches on many genres; history, politics, religion, romance, action adventure, horror, scifi, technology, military, need I go on? It also evokes many and varied emotions as the reader connects with various characters.

A book this long invariably leaves natural openings for sequels. One that screams sequel to me is the story of Angel. I would love to read the continuation of her story (are you listening Mr. Teeney?). There are other characters whose stories would make good reading as well. And, of course the main story is not necessarily finished.

Lars Teeney represents what I love about where I have been led with this blog; a fresh voice with a new focus who doesn't appear to be pumping out stories to satisfy a publisher. I have found that the literary horizon is so much broader that I ever imagined! It is authors like Mr. Teeney and the many others I have reviewed here that have enlightened me. So thank you for that.

As I reread my review here, it seems to me that it reflects the book, I hope that I have adequately shown that The Apostates operates on several levels. When you read this book I expect you will experience it on many levels.

Enjoy The Apostates, I think you will like it.


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