Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Prince of Conjurers

Usual Disclaimer: Free book yada, yada, yada.

Prince of Conjurers by Laurie L. Bolanos has to be listed among the best books I have read since I started reviewing. This book is just plain incredible.

I knew within the first few pages that I was going to love this book. The story is so compelling, spanning generations, cultures and continents. Set mainly in New Orleans, Prince of Conjurers tells a story of love, hate, good, evil, actions and their consequences. It is supremely complex without being confusing. Characters you know from other stories are woven into this riveting story. The Phantom of the Opera and Voodoo Queen Marie Laveau are main characters. Having never read Phantom of the Opera, I can't comment on how closely tied Prince of Conjurers is to that classic story.

At times I thought "I know where this is going", and sometimes I was right. But I quickly realized that this is where author Laurie L. Bolanos wants me to go. Then she would pull the rug out from under me as if to say "Gotcha". Predictable yet unpredictable at the same time. I thought I had the ending all figured out and in her way Bolanos blew me away with a twist I had no clue was coming.

Prince of Conjurers is a story of ultimate love and sacrifice, jealousy, revenge, privilege, desire and destiny. I just can't say enough about how enjoyable and entertaining this book is. As usual I have not looked at other reviews for Prince of Conjurers, but I expect they are similarly complimentary.

I read Ms. Bolanos' bio on Goodreads and Prince of Conjurers is the only book listed. If this is indeed her first or only book, what a debut! I hope this is not the only story she has to tell us.

If you like historical fiction and romance with fantasy, magic and cosmic undertones, you are going to love Prince of Conjurers by Laurie L. Bolanos. Enjoy!


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