Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Soul Stone

Usual disclaimer: Given the e-book of The Soul Stone from author Jamie Marchant in exchange for review.

The Soul Stone is the second book in The Kronicles of Korthlandia series. I have not read the first book. Not a problem if you haven't either. Marchant does an excellent job of catching up the reader without rewriting the first book, which would bog down the story.

The Soul Stone is an awesome book for the epic fantasy reader. For me it has all the elements of an epic quest-type story. I wouldn't necessarily categorize it as a true quest, but it does involve one. As in any good fantasy, Author Marchant has incorporated, action, horror, sword & sorcery, myth, humor, love, compassion and selflessness. No wonder the book is 400 pages!

I new within the first few pages that I was going to love this book, it hooked me that quickly. The final chapters of the story, the true quest, were riveting. It was getting late, but I had to finish, there was just no way to put the book down!

There are many compelling characters so well developed that the reader will feel the emotions being expressed. Some are evil, some heartrendingly selfless, and others that will have you rooting for their cause. It speaks to the talent of an author to deftly weave the stories of so many characters and keep the book interesting, and the reader involved

I thoroughly enjoyed The Soul Stone by Jamie Marchant and highly recommend it. Enjoy!


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